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The effects of the change of season on your joints

Primum Tempus

Generally associated with the rebirth of nature and the growth of plants and flowers, the term “spring” comes from the Latin “primum tempus”, meaning “first time” or “beginning of time”. This refers to the fact that spring marks the beginning of the growing season after winter.

The positive impact of spring on the body

Spring can have beneficial effects on the body, both physically and mentally.

  • Increased natural light and warmer temperatures can help stimulate the production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that regulates mood. This can help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Longer, sunnier days can help boost energy and reduce fatigue.
  • The spring season also brings an increase in vitamin D production thanks to exposure to the sun, which can boost the immune system. It is often advisable to take vitamin D supplements during the winter months.
  • Warmer temperatures and longer days can encourage people to get out and be more active. This can help improve fitness and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems linked to a sedentary lifestyle.

The effects of the change of season on your joints

The change of season can affect joints in different ways, but this can vary from person to person.

Some people may experience joint pain during seasonal changes, particularly during the transition from winter to spring or from autumn to winter. This may be due to lower barometric pressure, which can affect fluids in the joints and cause pain.

Changes in temperature and humidity can also cause joint stiffness, especially in the morning or after prolonged rest.

Seasonal changes can also cause joint inflammation in some people, especially if they suffer from an inflammatory disease such as arthritis.

an image showing the 4 seasons


‍How to reduce the effects of the change of season on joints?

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate hydration and a healthy weight are recommended. It is also advisable to protect joints by wearing comfortable shoes and suitable clothing, avoiding sudden movements and practicing active, slow, controlled rotational movements at the outer limits of movement to teach joint adaptation.Ledvard can also support you with its joint supplement cures ofSynergy6 . If you experience persistent joint pain or discomfort, we recommend that you consult a healthcare professional to assess your condition and discuss treatment options.